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Class Booking

  • Online class bookings can be made 3 days in advance, starting at 9:00 am, ending at 11:59 pm. 

  • With confirmed online booking, please attend the class on time. If you are late for more than 5 minutes, you will be counted as absent and your spot will be released to waitlisted members.



  • If you cannot attend the pre-booked class, please cancel 24 hours in advance. If you cancel your booking with less than 24 hours, it will be classified as “late cancellation” and "absent".

  • For all late cancellations, lates, or no shows, the available spots will be released to waitlisted students. 

  • 3 or more cumulative late cancellations, lates, or no-shows over a consecutive 30-day period will result in booking suspension for 7 days. Suspension record resets on the first of every month.


Waiting list


  • When a reservation is canceled, the spot will be opened to waitlisted members, and the system will send a confirmation email about the available space. 

  • For waitlisted students, please present yourself at the front desk before the class. After 5 minutes of class start, our staff will release available spots on a first-come-first-served basis.


Standby (Without online booking)


  • For all late cancellations, lates or no shows, the available spots will be released to standby students

  • Standby students can register at the front desk before the class. Our staff will add him/her to the waitlist. 

  • After 5 minutes of class start, our staff will release available spots on a first-come-first-served basis.


Arrive at the club and attend the class


  • One class credit will be deducted for every visit, absence, and late cancellation.

  • Please arrive at least 15 minutes before class, so you have enough time to check-in and prepare for the class.

  • For every class you attend, you must check-in at the front desk before entering studios. You will be given a class tag for every class you attend. Instructor will collect the tag at the beginning of the class.

  • 10 minutes after a class starts, no entry will be allowed.

  • Please inform the instructor if you are new, pregnant, or have any health conditions that may be affected by participating in that class.

  • Please do not leave the studio while class is in progress.


  • 會員可預約未來 3 日的課堂,而課堂的預約將會由每日 早上9:00am 開始,晚上11:59pm 結束。

  • 已成功網上預約課堂的會員, 請準時出席,如遲到5分鐘或以上則作缺席論,你的名額會被安排予輪後名單的會員。



  • 如果無法出席已預約的課堂,請於課堂開始前24小時取消,否則當作缺席紀錄。

  • 對於所有臨時取消(不足24小時取消),遲到或缺席的情況,將會由輪候名單中的會員補上。

  • 於30日內累積3 次或以上臨時取消、遲到或缺席,會令你於一星期內不可預約任何課堂。累積紀錄於每月 1 號重新計算。


  • 當已預約課堂的會員取消預約後,將會由輪候名單中的會員補上,而系統將發出相關確認的電子郵件。

  • 對於已列入輪候名單的會員,請在課堂前到接待處登記。 在課堂開始5分鐘後,接待處職員將以先到先得的方法安排輪候名單中的會員參加課堂。




  • 對於所有臨時取消,遲到或缺席的情況,課堂的空缺也可安排即場候補會員補上。

  • 即場候補的會員請到接待處查詢及登記,如課堂有空缺,接待處職員將會把他/她列入輪候名單內。

  • 在課堂開始5分鐘後,接待處職員將以先到先得的方法安排輪候名單中的會員參加課堂。



  • 每次出席、缺席、臨時取消課堂都會扣一堂。

  • 請在課堂至少15分鐘前到達,使你有足夠時間在接待處登記及為課堂前作準備。

  • 出席課堂的會員必須在接待處登記及領取課堂卡,而導師將在課堂開始前收取會員課堂卡。

  • 為了避免阻礙課堂進行,課堂開始10分鐘後,任何會員都不許進入課堂。

  • 如你是第一次參加課堂,懷孕或有任何健康問題,請在課堂前告知導師。

  • 當課堂進行期間,請勿離開課室。

If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.


FIT LAB reserves the right to change the class schedule and instructor without prior notice.

FIT LAB 保留更改課堂時間表及導師之權利而無須另行事先通知。

FIT LAB Hong Kong Limited reserves the right to amend the policies and conditions at any time without prior notice.

In the event of any dispute, FIT LAB Hong Kong Limited’s decision shall be final and conclusive.

FIT LAB Hong Kong Limited 保留隨時修改此政策及細則之權利而無須另行通知。如有任何爭議,FIT LAB Hong Kong Limited 保留最終決定權。

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